Peter James Livers solicitor

From Road Traffic Injury

Peter James Livers is a solicitor from Slattery Thompson law firm, that represented me at PIC Assessment Conference 2023-06-28. It went terribly bad, and I doubt I will be able to fix it. All I can do now is to try to get some justice, so that other people do not suffer same way.

There were actions by Livers that can be identified as professional misconduct. However, these actions differ a lot in their impact. For some corruption is the only logical explanation I can come up with. Others also perfectly fit into corrupt behaviour and attempts to cover it. Some of the remaining actions could be explained by highly damaging negligence if not the other corrupt actions.

I spend almost a year collecting and providing missing information for my claim. However, I got a result that was even worse that previous bad result. Livers played major role in making sure that I get minimum compensation.


Ceballos provided false information about mental health status, misquoted medical documents and statements and provided false statements reducing severity of injury. Liver knew about it and was provided with evidence of wrong statement by Ceballos. However, Livers falsely promised to provide that information to PIC, instead he led PIC to believe that it is true. He also withheld request for information about representation by barrister, medical and legal expenses. He misled me with advice about non economical loss. This resulted in severe damaged to the compensation claim. After this Livers obstructed me from going to appeal process.

Actions that can be explained only by corruption:

  1. Ceballos (QBE solicitor) submitted lots of absurd lies to PIC about my functioning before and after the injury.
  2. I provided detailed evidence to Livers that showed how incorrect Ceballos statements are.
  3. Livers promised to include these objections in his submissions, later to present during tribunal.
  4. Livers withheld from me the question from PIC about representation by barrister and lied to PIC that I do not want barrister. During assessment conference Livers acted as if he did not now what was happening at all. Having independent barrister would stop Livers from being able to fail my claim.
  5. Livers did not provide to PIC any of objections about lies by Ceballos.
  6. Livers did not inform about Ceballos disputing legal and medical expenses. This resulted in QBE avoiding paying for most of expenses. Just Medicare expenses by 2020 were $11,245.85. QBE disputed all my out of pocket treatment expenses and more than half of medicare expenses. PIC assessor awarded $10,000 for past and future treatment expenses. This will not be enough even to cover past Medicare expenses.
  7. During tribunal Livers insisted that I ask $500,000 for pain and suffering. Previously I asked for $200,000 and insurance agreed. Even Macken, PIC member, said that $500,000 is too high, as just 3 weeks ago he gave quadriplegic only $375,000, and if I leave it this high I will get close to the allowed minimum $100,000. Unfortunately, I trusted Livers and got $150,000.
  8. Before tribunal Livers did not update Medicare expenses. He withhold from me information that QBE is disputing medicare expenses. I found out it during tribunal.
  9. After the tribunal Livers pushed very hard to accept tribunal decision.
  10. Before tribunal Livers recommended and promised to go to court after tribunal decision. However, after the tribunal he did everything in his power to prevent me from appealing tribunal decision.

Actions that supplement supposition of corruption, but could potentiality be explained by some extreme negligence:

  1. Livers did not collect any information required for my claim.
  2. Livers dragged time missing important deadlines
  3. Livers significantly misled about his expertise or intentionally provided bad advice
  4. Livers sent his bill before all procedures related to claim were finished and potentially before some of his misconduct becomes apparent

Severe misconduct

Failure to provide key information for my claim

Ceballos provided lots of incorrect statements, sometimes going to absurd levels. All this could have been easily disproved by just checking that information as Ceballos often misquoted documents changing their meaning to opposite what is written in original documents. I provided information about lies from Ceballos. Livers was very insistent that I do not present this information in written form. Instead, he promised to do it himself. He was delaying and changing his plan. At the end promising to present everything during tribunal and did not do this. He actively prevented me from showing that Ceballos statements were factually incorect.

I got access to PIC portal and download QBE application for damages on PIC portal APP-10268809. One of the files was insurers submissions by Ceballos. It contains a lot of errors and fraudulent statements.
Files: "A1 Insurers submission.pdf"
I signed authority to act for Peter Livers and he signed agreement that his fees will be limited to regulated costs recoverable from the insurance company.
File: "2023-01-24 Peter Livers agreement.pdf"
I sent an email to Peter Livers with detailed overview of my claim. I start my email with the following "An appointment of a member to assess insurance application for compensation and damages APP-10268809 may force us to act quicker than it may have appeared before. This application contains only issuance submissions with lots of errors that can easily be disproved but at the current time, there is no reply from my side in PIC. I am sure we need to submit our reply (application) before the conference with the PIC member.". In email I provide summary of errors highlighting the most important ones. I also attach detailed list of errors and supporting evidence.
Files: "2023-01-31 email to Livers - Short summary of my claim situation.pdf" and "Reply Claim assessment and resolution service.pdf"
I wrote to Peter Livers that I am submitting a complaint to HCCC about errors in Moodley report that Ceballos relies in his submissions. I provided summary in my email mentioning some examples of incorrect statements by Moodley some of which made to Ceballos submissions. I asked "I do not know if it can affect my insurance claim, but Timothy relies on this report heavily."
File "2023-02-26 email to Livers - Fwd HCCC Online Inquiry Form.pdf"
I met with Livers and to ask what I can write in my statement. I wanted to mention that QBE did not pay for any treatment. They promised to pay, but then did not. QBE took 3 years to reply about liability while even according to them they were required to do that within 3 months. QBE kept sending me to different assessments but refused to share their reports. I was told by Law Partners that a right to share any assessment reports only if it suits them. If QBE is not happy wit the report they can simply send me to another assessor till they will get assessment that suits them he explained to me that I can write in my statement about the impact of the injury, but not about mishandling of my claim by QBE.
I wrote to Livers asking why he has removed any mentioning of lies provided by Ceballos. It has been re-traumatising experience, and it was important to mention in my statement. So previously I wrote in my statement: 55. Trauma has altered my perception of reality, so that when I read Moodley or Ceballos lies about me it is not just a lie, I feel that it is a threat to my life. I asked Livers: You stroke it out. I understand that this statement is about my life rather than about their misconduct. Seeing danger everywhere is one of the symptoms of PTSD. I just wanted to give an example and explanation of it. Can I rephrase it somehow, so that it remains useful?
File "2023-04-25 email to Livers - few questions in your notes about statement.pdf"
I spoke with Livers, and he advised me to avoid complaint about QBE and previous lawyers. I wrote to Livers highlighting the argument that it is important to mention my struggle with QBE and previous lawyers as it is a part of my trying to get over PTSD. I was worried that leaving it out will make it look that I was not putting all my effort in attempts to get better and as result to return to work force. As all these efforts would go to working full time if I would not been injured and this is big part of loss of income.
File "2023-04-25 email to Livers - Mentioning QBE and previous lawyers in my statement.pdf"
I had conversation with Livers. He convicted me that he will include all the dispute of Ceballos statements in his statement. I also agreed not to include whole complaint that I wrote about Moodley, but instead I will include short summary. I sent summary in email.
Files "2023-04-26 email to Livers - Update of statement with summary for Moodley report errors used by QBE.pdf"
I wrote a request to fix obvious errors. Livers insisted that I also have to accept determination.
files communications with Livers and request to
I have sent confirmation that I accepted corrupted tribunal decision due to health reasons.
File accepting decision

Withheld information about barrister representation

Damaging advice for non economic loss

Not provided information for treatment compensation (medicare) expenses objection by QBE

Not provided information about legal costs objection by QBE

False promise to go to court

who was telling me all the time that I should not be worrying and spending so much effort on PIC assessment as we he strongly recommends going to court after assessment. However, after assessment suddenly after I got terrible result and asked OK, lets go to court

Negligent management of the claim

There were actions or lack of actions by Livers that perfectly fits corruption scheme, but could be explained by very high level of negligence, if not the other actions that can be explain only by corruption.

Delaying getting file from Moya de Luca-Leonard

Signed authority to get file from Leonard, tri-parted agreement to get file from Leonard and agreement for Livers to represent me. Livers told me that he will get files from Leonard and then having all information come back to me.
I enquired Livers did he got the file. PIC was wrongly informed by Ceballos that another lawyer is representing me.
File 2023-01-27 email to Livers - I got a message from QBE on PIC portal.pdf
Livers forwarded me email from Leonard that she believes that I should accept her fees and that I indicated so. Leonard also wrote that she is getting file ready. I replied that it is not true. That because Leonard has resigned, that she gives up her fees. I wrote to Livers the reasons why I am not satisfied with Leonard work and her fees.
File: 2023-01-30 email from Livers - FW: Attached Image.pdf, 2023-01-30 3964_001 - email from Leonard.pdf
I sent summary of my claim in case if it takes longer to get file from Leonard. During next few days I forward other information from PIC and providing information that the uncertainty is causing me a lot of stress. PIC made an appointment for assessment, and I was calling Livers urging that we need to take action. Livers maintained his view that we have plenty of time and he will be able to do everything on time once he gets file from Leonard.
I wrote follow up to Livers about getting file from Leonard. It seems he have not done anything since the last time. He contacted PIC for time extension.
Files 2023-02-07 emails to from Livers - Getting files from Moya.pdf
I called Livers a day before and I wrote ageing to Livers reminding about urgency to get file from Leonard.
File 2023-02-22 email to Livers - If or when you get files from Moya please let me know and if you want to find how to use Google drive I would be glad to help.pdf.

Other delays

2023-02-21 and 22
I sent 2 emails with my work summary and with 5 questions in it. Livers did not reply. I asked the same questions next time I met Livers, and it became clear to me that he have not read it.
File 2023-02-21 email to Livers - Work Summary.pdf

Not being able to cope

This injustice intensified my PTSD symptoms so much that I was consonantly overwhelmed by panic attacks. I could not think at all. My body went into autopilot mode with only one task - survive.