Moya de Luca-Leonard solicitor

From Road Traffic Injury
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This is my story of dealing with solicitor named Moya de Luca-Leonard. It is a part of my larger story of the Legal fees and my (personal injury claim).

She promised a lot, but did only one thing (submitted application for further medical assessment and got my PTSD recognized). Yet, charged as if she has done everything and more.

This is a more pressing issue as I have not done anything about it yet. Simply had no time. However, the last reply I got from OLSC is that they may take 6 months before they look at my complaints due to current workload. There were some Moya actions that been hidden in my mind that are resurfacing only now, after the tribunal:

  • She told me that the court case against the driver for damage to the bicycle and CTP insurance claim are linked. Later on, I found that this is not true. This caused me an enormous amount of mental health damage.
  • She ignored my plea to include information about factually incorrect assessment provided by a psychologist hired by QBE solicitors, and the same incorrect statements by QBE solicitor. This made a huge impact on my claim making it almost impossible to claim loss of income.
  • She resigned from my claim without completing it, yet with exaggerated legal costs.

After one year of de Luca-Leonard resigning, I have realized that I want to write a complaint to OLSC about it. However, I have concerns about evidence I have as some most hurtful things were said on the phone. Please follow this link for more information about Writing a complaint to Office of the NSW Legal Services Commissioner (OLSC).

Complaint to OLSC

The complaint as I am going to send it to OLSC is in separate page Complaint to OLSC about solicitor Moya de Luca-Leonard

It is very difficult to write complaint properly and remember all important bits, while having severely reduced cognitive abilities. Brining all stressful memories while writing complaint might be too much for a brain and to protect yourself it might block some part of memory. This is the case with me now. Some memories come back, and I am writing an update for my complaint. It does not change the content of complaint, just provide additional evidence: 2023-11-20 Moya not disputing incorrect information provided by Ceballos.

Other people stories

If there is a court decision (I am not sure when and how) it gets published on internet. There are few interesting cases I found for Moya de Luca-Leonard.

Court cases against Moya for advice to settle instead of informing of her rights

I think this is an appeal for the court case against Moya for advising to settle instead of informing of her rights to seek compensation. I just get overwhelmed and can not read and understand it properly.

  4. 2023-06-06 Notice of appeal