My wiki:About

From Road Traffic Injury
Revision as of 01:25, 4 January 2025 by Alfas (talk | contribs)

The purpose of this site is to help people to deal with trauma, especially with road traffic injury (I suffered one on 2015-03-30) and dealing with insurance company (in my case QBE - empire of evil at least in my view). My goal is to share my experience and knowledge I gained going through this terrible ordeal, so that other people can avoid needless suffering I am going through. There are many things I learned in my attempts to restore my life, and I wish I found that information online when I got injured. So, I am posting the most useful information here. I hope it will help someone. The end goal is to have step by step guide how to navigate this difficult part of your life after road traffic event (or any other traumatic event).

I got injured in 2015. It has been 9 years ago. I have not recovered yet. However, I strongly believe that it could have been very different story. I have put a lot of into recovery. For a long time all my efforts go only in to it. The main problem was lack of information. I have two options spend extra efforts accepting what happen and that I am powerless to change anything. Another option is to provide information that I needed. So, at least there is something good out of my suffering. I chose second option and this site is about it.


Site has many entry points depending on where you are in your recovery and what type of information you need. I list some of main topics in Main Page.

To Do

  1. Check Head To Health - I heard very good things about them.
  2. Write about limitations on services they can provide put on community legal centres by NSW government.

Indexing in search engines

Previously I had enough technical content for my site to appear in all search engines. However, due to down times and loss of content it is no longer registered. I will register my site on search engines at some point of time, but now I am uploading a lot of content and it takes priority.

Spelling and grammar

Another time when time comes. I know it is bad, but content has higher priority. However, if you do notice some errors, please let me know.


Please write to

I would like to hear from you if you find this information useful, have some question or suggestions, or maybe you would like to share your story dealing with similar problems.

While is down

I used to have my web site for tips and tricks for developers, and a bit more advanced computer users. It has been down for few years now, because I am no longer able to do the things I used to do, and I just do not have an energy to maintain it. However, the truth to be told is that is not so hard to maintain it and there the benefit for doing so is greater than the amount of effort invested in it. So, I will restore it as soon as I am able to. In mean time I will host new tips and tricks here Advanced computer user tips and tricks.