2015-03-30 road traffic injury

From Road Traffic Injury

I was thinking that 2014/2015 is going to be the best year of my life. Everything was going well, and I was feeling more energetic that ever before. Till one day while cycling to city I noticed that a car from oncoming traffic made a right turn straight into me. I knew I am going to die.

I survived, but I struggle to recover. I am no longer able to work, cannot sleep, always on hyper alert, out of energy, cannot do anything I like to do and I am locked in vicious cycle fighting QBE and personal injury lawyers. Every day I am doing my best and every day it is not enough. 9 years have passed, and I am struggling almost the same.

For short story check: Alfonsas Stonis personal injury claim - short story.


I have learned that if you want to achieve something you need to put effort. So, I put effort in my studies and all the tasks I had to do. I was one of these lucky people who knew what they want to do in their life, as when I was still in school we got first computer. Since then I knew what I want to do: I want to be a programmer. These days this profession is called software developer. I spent 10 years at university improving my skill and finished PhD in computer science. Then I started my own business (consulting).

2007 I came to Australia as tourist. I liked it, so I stayed. I took a break for personal reasons and later to catch up with latest technologies in 2011. I started working on my own project in 2014, something I was getting ready for many years. Development went slower than I hoped. I had to adjust my business plan, but it was expected. There were meant to be some bumps on the road, and I planned for it. I was going gain full benefits of self-development for the last 30 years and 20 years of improving my professional skills. On 2015-03-30 I went to technology meetup.


2015-03-30 I got hit by a car while cycling. One event that was not my fault and I had no control over change my life from being very good constant struggling and suffering. Due to police failures driver got away without any consequences.

One thing that socked me right after the road collision that it was called "accident". It was especially painful when it was used by ED staff as it fallowed with attitude putting blame on me - you cycle, means you are meant to get injured and die.

Fight with QBE

QBE, the insurance company, never payed a cent. They dragged time with fake promises and fraudulent statements. I had 3 different solicitors representing me and I am left terrified with the quality of work of personal injury lawyers.

I have wrote statements and many other documents about the events and impact. In time I will upload everything to this site. At the moment I focus on writing what I have learned about road traffic injury and trauma.

Medical assessments

Among other empty promises QBE promised to pay for treatment and compensation after I take medical assessments. There were 2 assessments, one for physi

Law Partners

Moodley report

PIC Assessment

The last event was PIC Assessment Conference 2023-06-28 that reinforced the belief that system is corrupt despite some good impressions in the past.

This is the File:2023-07-26 PIC legal cost calculation.pdf of by PIC member Macken. Unfortunately, it is very unfair and based on absurdly incorrect statements. I had no time to upload all information about it. Please write to me if you want to access it now.

After conference I was left to deal with exaggerated legal fees including part of fees that meant to be regulated for solicitor Peter Livers.