Personal injury claim process

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I found whole claim process exceptionally stressful. QBE and their lawyers McInnes Wilson Lawyers did more that I could have imagined prolonging this process and make it more difficult and stressful. Unfortunately, personal injury lawyers, whom I hired to represent me made it even more stressful. As sed as it sounds it was deeply retraumatizing experience.

There were many things that can be done to make it different, but as I am still in the process the one thing that I can do now is to write about it while all my memories are fresh. Knowing about the process would have helped me a lot. As I am at late stages of my claim now, I will start from there and come back to earlier stages when I have time.

This is based only on my experience. You process might be different, but I hope lessons from my journey still can help reducing stress.

Incident notification

Personal injury claim form

Collecting evidence

Medical assessments



Medicare Compensation Recovery

I was notified that my solicitor got money to his bank account. I was surprised that it was way less than I have expected. He wrote to me that it is because Medicare withheld 10% until, they will resolve how much money I have to pay back to them. Previously, I was told by my solicitor that Medicare will deduct automatically the sum that is awarded by tribunal. So, now I am trying to find out what is an actual process.

My current understanding is that that insurance company transfers 10% of compensation to Medicare. Medicare deduct from it what is owned to them and returns the rest. There were 2 sums:

  • about $10k that was listed in Medicare declaration
  • about $5k was awarded by PIC member as the rest was disputed by insurance.

I find out that insurance is disputing medical expenses only at the tribunal. That was big shock for me. I tried to fix situation showing that all medical expenses are direct consequence of the injury, but PIC member ignored it saying that I forgot to duplicate sums for services. Now I do not know what I will be charged, but I hope solicitor told me truth as from his side it was very easy to get it covered by insurance. I have been asked to fill in 3 forms to recover money from Medicare.

This is the information I found on Medicare site:

Problems and complaints

The first think that I learned about insurance claim with QBE that nothing goes the way it is meant too. I was not able to get QBE to do the things they were required to do by law and I could not find a way to complain about it. I am still struggling with it as my head shuts down and reading legal stuff is like hitting brick wall with my head.