Law Partners cost agreement

From Road Traffic Injury

I found this agreement with Law Partners. very deceiving. It is impossible to know how many and what items will be used. Also for many items seem like they should apply for whole group, but in their bill Law Partners split them to many parts. It is still not clear to me how it is meant to work. Also while there are many items listed at the front that seem to take into account most of the services they perform, there is almost duplicate of the same items later on with much higher price. I feel scammed, by such structuring of the cost agreement.

I relied on their estimate of $70,000 including all disbursements. However, after handling my claim very badly they left me with $178,327.22 legal costs and my claim in very bad shape.

I do not have electronic version of this document only paper and scanned. So, I used Google docs to convert it to text. Let me know if you find some errors.

Standard costs disclosure and client service agreement

LawPartners PERSONAL INJURY LAWYERS Standard costs disclosure and client service agreement Car accident injury compensation claim. LawPartners PERSONAL INJURY LAWYERS Thanks for choosing Law Partners to provide legal advice and representation for your personal injury claim, arising out of a motor vehicle accident on: 30:315 This document is an offer to enter into a costs agreement with our firm. It provides information about the costs of our legal services and your rights, as required by the Legal Profession Uniform Law (NSW). The terms of this agreement also apply to any barristers retained to assist us with your case. 1. Legal services to be provided by Law Partners We will advise you about your compensation claim, obtain evidence to support your claim, brief a barrister if required, negotiate settlement of your claim with the defendant/s, proposed defendant/s, their insurer /s, their solicitor/s and/or their other representatives. We will initiate and carry legal proceedings and perform all work that we think is required or appropriate to enable us to provide these legal services. advise that the services we actually provide under this agreement will Gepend on the circumstances of your claim, your specific instructions and our opinions in relation to your claim. Subject to our professional opinion and advice, the scope of our instructions includes commencing, preparing and presenting legal, (court) proceedings for your case at a hearing. By signing this agreement you expressly give us instructions to do this on your behalf. In providing instructions to our firm to commence legal/court proceedings on your behalf, you acknowledge, understand and undertake that: (a) litigation is inherently risky and our firm cannot guarantee that you will win your case or that any particular outcome will be achieved; (b) many factors can influence the outcome of a case, including the judge hearing your case, evidence given by you or other witnesses and/or documents or information that come to light at a later date; (c) you will advise our firm if any facts or evidence come to light that may alter our opinion about your case and whether it has reasonable prospects of success; (d) it may be possible to settle your claim prior to a hearing and that you can provide specific settlement instructions to us at any time. 4. Solicitor responsible Neme Gillian Potts will be the solicitor responsible for providing legal services to you under the supervision of Ms Chantille Khoury. All communication regarding your case or legal costs should be directed to your solicitor. From time to time other solicitors may have some involvement in your file, depending on the issues that arise. 3. Legal costs and disbursements No win, no fee guarantee Your claim is covered by the Law Partners Personal Injury Lawyers NO WIN NO FEE GUARANTEE. As a client of Law Partners Personal Injury Lawyers we GUARANTEE you will not be required to pay any professional fees or disbursements to our firm if your claim for personal injury compensation is unsuccessful. Estimate of total costs As much as we would like to provide you with a precise estimate of the total costs of your claim, it is simply not possible. We do however, make the following estimate, based on the information we have available at this time. This is not a fixed quotation. There are many factors which will affect the total cost of your claim including, the amount of legal work required to be undertaken, liability issues, the level of investigations and evidence gathering required, complexity of your claim or any aspect of the claim, the number of the parties involved in the file and/or with which we have to deal in relation to the file, the involvement and the extent of involvement of a barrister and/ or expert witnesses, the stage at which your claim resolves and whether and to what extent the file is litigated in a court. On our present instructions, we estimate the total cost of the work to be: Professional fees Disbursements Barrister's fees TOTAL Professional fees $55,000 $5,000 $10,000 $70,000 Our professional fees are set at fixed fees for items of work, described in the Fixed Fee Schedule attached to this document. Disbursements As a client of Law Partners we will pay for all disbursements on your behalf and will seek reimbursement only on the successful conclusion of your claim. Disbursements are expenses incurred in preparing your claim and con include search fees, enquiry fees, fees for clinical records from hospitals and /or medical practitioners (generally from $33.00 up to a few hundred dollars, depending on the provider and the volume of documents), medical report fees ($800.00 to $3,500.00), expert witness and expert report fees ($2,000.00 to $10,000.00), investigator fees ($500.00 to $5,000.00), agent fees, process server fees, transcript fees, travel expenses and various court fees, such as filing fees (generally up to $1,000.00 each) and hearing allocation fees (generally from under $1,000.00 up to $2,000.00 each). In addition to this you also agree to pay for sundry items as set out in item U of the Fixed Fee Schedule. Having been made aware of the nature and estimated amount of disbursements, including various court fees, you hereby instruct our firm to proceed and incur these disbursements and expenses on your behalf as and when required. Barrister's fees Any barristers retained by our firm to undertake work on your file will undertake that work on a no win no fee basis. From time to time we may engage a barrister to undertake certain work on your claim. Fees charged by most barristers retained by Law Partners are calculated at an hourly rate of up to $600.00 per hour and if your claim resolves prior to the filing of Court proceedings, we estimate the total cost of their work to be $5,000. If your matter resolves after Court proceedings are filed, we estimate the total cost of their work to be $15,000. It is not possible at this time to provide a precise estimate of barrister's fees or to advise whether a barrister will be retained in your case, however, you hereby give us instructions to retain a barrister in relation to your file as and when required in our professional opinion. Page 1 of 9 Successful completion of your claim is defined to occur when you receive a payment from the defendant/s or a proposed defendant/s in your favour, either after settlement, assessment or hearing of your claim. Costs in court proceedings (a) If court proceedings are taken on your behalf, the court may order the other party to pay your costs of the proceedings. This amount of costs may not necessarily cover the whole of our legal costs. (b) It is possible that the court may make an order that you pay the other party's costs (e.g. if you lose the case or fail to comply with a court order). These costs are payable by you to the other party in addition to the costs payable to us. 4. Settlement of your claim Prior to accepting any offer of settlement made by the defendant/s, proposed defendant/s and/or their insurer, we will discuss various aspects of settlement with you, including the deductions to be made from your settlement and the terms of that settlement. Under Section 177 of the Uniform Law, we must disclose to you a reasonable estimate of the amount of legal costs payable by you if the file is settled. We will always tell you the amount payable to you in your pocket (after all deductions) if you instruct us to settle your claim with the other party and we will always obtain your consent prior to accepting any ffer of settlement. 5. Termination of this agreement (a) You may terminate this agreement in writing at any time for any reason. (b) After providing you with 14 days written notice forwarded to the last known address held on our file, our firm may also terminate this agreement, but only if any of the following events occur: i. if you provide us with instructions that are deliberately false or intentionally misleading; ii. if you instruct another solicitor to act on your behalf; iii. if you fail to respond to us or provide instructions to us within a reasonable time; iv. if you fail to accept our reasonable professional opinion and advice or indicate to us, by conduct or otherwise, that we have lost your confidence; v. if you fail to accept an offer of settlement which we believe is reasonable in the circumstances; vi. if we form the view at any time that your case does not have or no longer has reasonable prospects of success or is not economically viable; vii. for other just cause. (c) If this agreement is terminated you will no longer be a client of Law Partners and we reserve the right to require you to make payment of our professional fees and disbursements incurred up to the time of the termination. In that circumstance our no win no fee guarantee and cap on professional fees will be void and will not apply. (d) We are entitled to retain possession of your papers and documents if there is money owing to us for our professional fees or disbursements. 6. Method of billing Subject to clause 5, we will send you a bill for our legal costs and disbursements upon the successful completion of your claim. You are entitled to request an itemised bill within 30 days after the date on which the legal costs become payable. All estimates and other charges in this agreement are exclusive of 10% GST unless otherwise stated. 7. Your rights The Legal Profession Uniform Law (NSW) is the relevant act which applies to legal costs. The Act provides you with rights to: (a) terminate this conditional costs agreement in writing within five clear working days of signing the Agreement; (b) have our bill of costs assessed within 12 months under the relevant New South Wales laws to determine the reasonableness and fairness of our legal costs, apply to have this agreement (or a provision of it) set aside and participate in an informal mediation process if there is a dispute regarding legal costs between you and our firm; (c) obtain independent legal advice before entering into this agreement if required; (d) seek the assistance of the designated local regulatory authority (NSW Legal Services Commissioner) in the event of a dispute about legal costs; (e) be informed, as soon as is reasonably practicable, of any substantial changes to anything contained in this agreement; (f) request and receive regular progress reports in relation to the progress of your claim and costs incurred; (g) negotiate a costs agreement and the billing method. For example, you may indicate that you do not require us to act on a no win, no fee basis or may indicate that you intend to pay for disbursements yourself if you wish; (h) be informed of any substantial change to any matter disclosed in this agreement. 8. Incorporated legal practice (a) The Legal Profession Uniform Law 2015 (NSW) ("the Act") regulates the provision of legal services but not the provision of non-legal services. (b) We are an incorporated legal practice under the Act. Not all legal services within the work will be provided by a lawyer. Work such as dealing with correspondence, legal research and drafting of documents may be provided by paralegals and secretaries. Whilst paralegals and secretaries may not have formal legal qualifications they have considerable experience in your type of claim and this experience is required to ensure that your claim succeeds. They will work under the supervision of the persons with primary responsibility for the work. 9. Severability If anything in this agreement is determined by a court or other competent authority to be unenforceable then so long as the intention of the parties is not defeated the unenforceable part of the Agreement shall not affect the remaining rights of the parties under this agreement. 10. Privacy Personal information about you, provided by you and other sources, is protected under the Privacy Act 1988. Disclosure of such information may be compelled by law (e.g. by an order of a court or under the Social Security Act). You authorise our firm to disclose private information to others when and where required and/or necessary to progress your claim (e.g. within our firm, to a court, to doctors, to experts, to barristers etc.). 11. Retention of documents On completion of your claim we will store your file and papers at no cost to you on the understanding that we have your authority to destroy the file seven years after your case is resolved. Page 2 of 9 We are committed to ensuring that your claim is completed in a timely manner and is conducted with the interests of cost-efficiency in mind. It is important that you understand all aspects of your claim and, if you do not, raise any queries with us immediately. Please do not hesitate to contact us should you require clarification about any aspect of this agreement. If you accept this offer, you must sign and return this document to us. We will not do any work on this file until this is done. If you do so, you have entered into a conditional cost agreement with us. This means that you will be bound by the terms and conditions in this agreement, including being billed in accordance with it. Thank you for instructing Law Partners Compensation Lawyers Pty Ltd. Client details Dave 10 stonis Alfonsas Sign here Jews 4 18 Solicitor Gillian Potts Sign here Signed on behalf of Law Partners Personal Injury Lawyers Page 3 of 9

Fixed fee schedule


CTP professional fees Fixed fee schedule

Fixed fee items (charged per item and per each occurrence)

A $40
Submission of out of pocket expenses. All activities required to submit a request for payment of out of pocket expenses (including, for example, preparing schedules, following up receipt of request and reporting to you on outcome of request).
B $50
Telephone attendance. Each telephone attendance not directly related to other items in this schedule.
C $50
Miscellaneous item. Each activity not directly related to other items in this schedule.
D $90
Subpoena to produce by defendant / subpoena to give evidence/notice to produce by defendant (reviewing). Reviewing and considering a subpoena to produce, a notice to produce or a subpoena to give evidence issued at the request of another party (including, for example, reviewing schedule of a subpoena and/or list of documents subpoenaed or requested).
E $90
Notice disputing facts and authenticity of documents by defendant (reviewing). Reviewing and considering a notice disputing facts and authenticity of documents served by another party (including, for example, reviewing and considering particular facts or documents disputed or not disputed).
F $90
Centrelink (repayment estimate). All activities required to obtain repayment /payback estimate from Centrelink (including, for example, correspondence, completion of estimate forms, telephone attendances and advice to you).
G $180
General correspondence. Drafting, reviewing and finalising each general incoming and outgoing correspondence not directly related to other items in this schedule.
H $250
Medicare / private health insurance. All activities required to obtain a valid notice of past benefits from Medicare or a private health insurer (including, for example, requesting a Medicare History Statement or a Benefit /Claim History Statement, drafting and forwarding correspondence to you enclosing relevant forms and correspondence, forwarding completed Medicare History Statement, Compensation Statutory Declaration and any other related documents to Medicare or private health insurer, diarising relevant dates to complete and requesting an extension from Medicare if required).
I $250
Court orders, court dates and court correspondence. All activities required to review court orders or correspondence from court and/or diarise any relevant dates.
J $250
Filing of court documents. All activities required to prepare documents for filing and attend to filing of same (including, for example, considering required number of copies, ascertaining applicable filing fee, collating documents, court attendance by support staff but not including drafting, reviewing or considering actual documents or court attendances by a solicitor).
K $290
Perusal of defendant's or proposed defendant's medical report (treating report). All activities required to peruse, analyse and review a medical report served by a defendant or a proposed defendant by a treatment provider (including, for example, analysis of medical report, considering impact on claim /case and suitability of re-service upon defendant or proposed defendant and provision of summary and advice upon you).
L $340 : Notice to admit facts and authenticity of documents by defendant (reviewing). Reviewing and considering a notice to admit facts and authenticity of documents served by another party (including, for example, reviewing and considering particular facts or documents ought to be admitted).
M $380
Claim lodgement (within six months of date of accident). All activities required to prepare and lodge the Accident Notification Form or Personal Injury Claim Form (including, for example, telephone attendances on the Motor Accidents Authority to confirm insurer of vehicle at fault, telephone attendances on the defendant/proposed defendant, correspondence to the defendant/proposed defendant and reporting to you on claim lodgement).
N $390
Service of court documents. All activities reasonably required to effect (or attempt to effect) service of a document on a person /entity (including, for example, selecting a method of service, selecting a process server, providing specific instructions to a process server if required, considering information/documents to be forwarded to a process server, but not including drafting or otherwise preparing actual documents or correspondence with a process server).
O $390
Defence to statement of claim /statement of cross-claim /defence to statement of cross-claim. Reviewing and considering a defence to the statement of claim, a statement of cross-claim or a defence to a statement of cross-claim (including, for example, reviewing and considering any new parties and / or allegations of negligence or contributory negligence).
P $390
Consent orders/short minutes of order. Drafting and/or reviewing consent orders or short minutes of order (including, for example, drafting and/or amending/settling/finalising proposed consent orders or short minutes of order, reviewing / amending document /orders drafted or proposed by another party).
Q $440
Tele-conference with client/s and/or other person /s. A tele-conference with you and/or other person/s to discuss files, including diarising follow-up action, and not directly falling within any other item in this schedule.
R $440
Subpoena to produce by plaintiff /subpoena to give evidence / notice to produce by plaintiff (drafting). All activities required to draft a subpoena to produce, a subpoena to give evidence or a notice to produce (including, for example, drafting schedule of a subpoena, completing a subpoena declaration, considering proposed orders).
S $440
Calderbank offer (settlement offer) by defendant/offer of compromise by defendant (reviewing). Reviewing and considering a Calderbank offer or an offer of compromise (including, for example, reviewing and considering principal offer and any offer in relation to costs and its implications).
T $450
Conference with client/s and/or other person /s. A conference with you and/or other person /s to discuss files, including diarising follow-up action, and not directly falling within any other item in this schedule.
U $500
Sundry items. Costs of all items for photocopying, faxes, printing costs, postage costs, and all other related administrative costs associated with running your file.
V $550
File review. All activities required to perform a review, analysis and consideration of material on file (including, for example, review of any associated workers compensation file and considering further action to be taken subsequent to review).
W $550
Centrelink (investigation). All activities relevant to obtaining, analysing and reviewing information from Centrelink (including, for example, medical reports, payment schedules, application forms, review forms, medical certificates, and entire Centrelink file).
X $550
Review of video footage of incident (in office). All activities required to view and review video footage of, or in relation to, incident (including, for example, reviewing multiple times and considering relevant sections of the footage, if required).
Y $550
Statement (supplementary). All activities required to obtain a supplementary statement from a key witness, provider of domestic assistance or any other party likely to contribute positively to evidence presented to the defendant not including statement from you (but including, for example, conference with the statement provider if required, drafting supplementary statement, editing supplementary statement, reviewing evidence, considering appropriateness of evidence).
Z $550
Affidavit of service. Drafting affidavit of service or reviewing an affidavit of service (including, for example, checking relevant dates, selecting documents to annex to affidavit).
Notice to admit facts and authenticity of documents/notice disputing facts and authenticity of documents (drafting). All activities required to prepare a notice to admit facts and authenticity of documents or a notice disputing facts and authenticity of documents (including, for example, considering facts to be sought to be admitted, considering documents whose authenticity is to be sought to be admitted, considering facts to be disputed).

Medical investigation (clinical notes). All activities required to obtain, analyse and review clinical notes from a treating doctor, specialist, hospital, physiotherapist, chiropractor or other treatment provider (including, for example, completing necessary authority, drafting correspondence to treatment provider and all other activity required to obtain copies of clinical notes and provision of summary and advice upon you). Calderbank offer (settlement offer) by plaintiff / offer of compromise by plaintiff (drafting). All activities required to draft a Calderbank offer or an offer of compromise (including, for example, drafting, reviewing and/or settling / finalising a Calderbank offer letter or an offer of compromise). $650 $680 $740 Case management information sheet. All activities required to complete case management information sheet (including, for example, perusing file, ascertaining information to be provided, considering answers to the questions asked, completing case management information sheet). E1 F1 Q GI H1 11 L1 MI NI 01 P1 Consent judgment / orders (terms of settlement) /notice of discontinuance. All activities required to draft consent judgment / order, terms of settlement or a notice of discontinuance (including, for example, considering particular orders and/or terms to be included, ascertaining and considering suitability of particular orders and/or terms to client, proposing orders/terms to other party /ies, amending draft orders/terms if required, signing agreed orders /terms). Perusal of (proposed) defendant's expert report on liability. All activities required to review an expert report served by a defendant or a proposed defendant in relation to the issue of liability (including, for example, reviewing expert report, considering its impact on claim /case, considering suitability of re-service on defendant or proposed defendant). Return of subpoena. All activities required to deal with a return of a subpoena (including, for example, ascertaining return date, contacting court and ascertaining whether documents have been produced in response to a subpoena, re-listing/ adjourning a return of subpoena if required, organising to have produced documents or photocopies thereof uplifted from court, but not including any court attendances if required or reviewing and considering any produced documents). Notice of motion. All activities required to draft a notice of motion (including, for example, considering orders sought, considering need for and scope of any affidavits in support, drafting, reviewing and/or settling notice of motion, reviewing other party's notice of motion). Pre-trial conference/directions/status conference / miscellaneous court mentions and appearances (uncontested). Attending and appearing in court (including, for example, all communications with you on the day, all communications with the defendant/s or their legal representative /s on the day, instructing barrister /s on the day if required, travel to and from court).

J1 $980
Economic loss investigation. All activities required to obtain information regarding employment (including, for example, drafting request to employer or former employer to provide supporting evidence of income or loss of income including payslips, letters, spreadsheets, requesting and analysing tax returns or income assessments not including forensic accountant related activities).
K1 $980
Medical investigation (report). All activities required to request, obtain, analyse and review a report from a treating doctor, physiotherapist, chiropractor or other treatment provider (including, for example, letter requesting report with detailed particulars, analysis of medical report other than medico-legal report and provision of summary and advice upon you).
Statement (claimant's supplementary). All activities required to obtain a supplementary statement from you (including, for example, conference if required, drafting supplementary statement, editing supplementary statement, reviewing evidence, considering appropriateness of evidence and all other activity required to obtain a supplementary statement for claim preparation).

Supplementary medico-legal report. All activities required to obtain a supplementary medico-legal report where necessary (including, for example, drafting correspondence to medico-legal doctor, telephone discussion with medico-legal doctor, perusal and analysis of supplementary report and provision of summary and advice upon you regarding appropriateness of report).

N1 $990
Medical investigation (reviewing clinical notes). All activities required to review and consider clinical notes from a treating doctor, specialist, hospital, physiotherapist, chiropractor or other treatment provider, or from you if they are within your possession.
General research. Performing general research in relation to a file or an issue in a file (including, for example, performing company / business searches, performing address /location searches, performing Google searches). CARS teleconference. All activities required to attend a CARS Teleconference (including, for example, preparation for and participation in teleconference, considering further action required post teleconference and diarising to undertake any additional tasks required post tele-conference).

$740 $740 $950 $950 $950 $950 $980 $980 $980 $980 $990 $990 $1,150 Page 5 of 9 QI RI $1 T1 U1 VI W1 X1 ΥΠ N ΖΙ A2 B2 Legal research. Performing legal research of relevant and applicable legislative instruments and/or case law (including, for example, locating or accessing relevant legislative instruments and/or case law on internet). Late lodgement explanation. All activities required to explain delay in lodgement of the Personal Injury Claim Form (including, for example, telephone attendances on the defendant or proposed defendant, correspondence to the defendant or proposed defendant, conferences with you, preparation of statutory declarations and all other activities required to explain the late lodgement of a claim). Advice on prospects (contributory negligence). All activities required to advise on an allegation of contributory negligence by defendant or proposed defendant (including, for example, advice regarding further evidence required and legal implications of contributory negligence and obtaining all police material including Government Information Public Access request).

T1 $1,450
Perusal of defendant's or proposed defendant's medical report (medico-legal report). All activities required to peruse, analyse and review a medical report served by a defendant or a proposed defendant written by a medico-legal specialist (including, for example, analysis of medical report, considering impact on claim /case and suitability of re-service upon defendant or proposed defendant and provision of summary and advice upon you).
Travel. All travel within Sydney Metropolitan area and to and from locations of our offices not directly falling within any other item of this schedule (for each day or part thereof).
V1 1,500
Advice on prospects (liability admitted). All activities required to advise on prospects on liability (including, for example, obtaining NSW Police Report, review of police report, analysis of all material relevant to liability, reviewing correspondence from defendant or proposed defendant and advising as to defendant or proposed defendant's position on liability).
W1 $1,650
Statement. All activities required to obtain a statement from a key witness, provider of domestic assistance or any other party likely to contribute positively to the claim /case, not including statement from you or having an investigator or a commercial agent attending to procurement of statement (but including, for example, conference with the statement provider, if required, drafting statement, editing statement, reviewing evidence, considering appropriateness of evidence).
Pre-trial conference/directions/status conference/miscellaneous court mentions and appearances (contested). Attending and appearing in court (including, for example, all communications with you on the day, all communications with the defendant/s or their legal representative /s on the day, instructing barrister /s on the day if required, travel to and from court).

Finalising negotiated settlement or otherwise resolved file. All activities required to finalise a settled or otherwise resolved file (including, for example, drafting authority to settle, having authority to settle and/or any other authorities signed /executed by client, reviewing consent judgment / orders, terms of settlement or deed of release, following up payment of settlement monies if required). Supplementary statement of particulars. All activities required to have a supplementary/updated statement of particulars prepared (including, for example, considering any further/updated particulars and/or documents required to be provided under rule 15.12 of the UCPR, considering any further / updated particulars and/or documents to be provided, perusing file as required, obtaining any further instructions to you if required, drafting a supplementary / updated statement of particulars or reviewing, considering and settling/finalising a supplementary /updated statement of particulars drafted by a barrister). Subpoena to produce by defendant/notice to produce by defendant (complying). All activities reasonably required to assist a client to comply with a subpoena to produce or a notice to produce (including, for example, reviewing and considering subpoena or notice to produce and their appropriateness, reviewing and considering nature and scope of documents sought to be produced, advising client in relation to subpoena or notice to produce). Position paper for mediation. All activities required to have a position paper prepared for mediation if required (including, for example, considering the need for a position paper and mediator's requirement for same, drafting a position paper or reviewing, considering and settling /finalising position paper drafted by a barrister, organising service of position paper on other parties). $1,250 $1,450 $1,450 $1,450 $1,450 $1,500 $1,650 $1,850 $1,900 $1,950 $1,950 $1,950 C2 D2

C2 $2,450
Preparation for each informal settlement conference. All activities required in preparation for each informal settlement conference (including, for example, telephone attendances with the defendant or proposed defendant, drafting schedule of out of pocket expenses including telephone attendances upon all treating medical practitioners and correspondence requesting information, preparation of all deductions, pre-settlement discussions with the defendant or proposed defendant, pre-settlement discussions with you including advice regarding settlement of file, arranging conference venue, arranging interpreter if required, general review of file prior to settlement discussions).
D2 $2,450
Settlement or assessment finalisation. All activities required to finalise the settlement or assessment of a file (including, for example, preparing authority to settle, authority to receive, trust account authority, reviewing defendant's or proposed defendant's deed of release, discussing settlement documentation with you, correspondence to defendant or proposed defendant, reviewing Centrelink documents relevant to settlement, telephone attendances on defendant or proposed defendant chasing payment of monies and accounting for monies received).

$2,450 E2 F2 G2 H2 Preparation for Section 89a conference. All activities required in preparation for a Section 89A conference (including, for example, telephone attendance with defendant or proposed defendant, drafting schedule of out of pocket expenses including telephone attendances upon all treating medical practitioners and correspondence requesting information, preparation of all deductions, pre-89A discussions with defendant or proposed defendant, pre-89A discussions with you including advice regarding settlement of file, arranging conference venue, arranging interpreter if required, general review of file prior to settlement discussions, service of final documents as required by the Motor Accidents Compensation Act).

F2 $3,150
Statement (claimant). All activities required to obtain a statement from you (including, for example, conference if required, reviewing evidence, considering appropriateness of evidence and all other activity required to obtain a statement for claim /case preparation).
Reviewing video footage of incident (out of office). All activities required to view and review video footage of, or in relation to, incident outside our office (including, for example, reviewing multiple times and considering relevant sections of the footage if required, travelling to and from relevant location).

Advice on prospects (liability not admitted or denied). All activities required to advise on prospects (including, for example, obtaining all police material including Government Information Public Access request, perusal of entire police brief, analysis of all material relevant to liability, advice regarding further evidence required relevant to liability, analysis of relevant case law and/or legislation regarding liability, considering appropriateness of further evidence and/or communicating our advice to you, either verbally or in writing). $2,950 $3,150 $3,450 $3,450 Page 6 of 9 12 K2 L2 M2 N2 P2

I2 $3,450
Barrister (pre-litigation). All activities required to engage and maintain engagement with a barrister prior to commencement of legal proceedings (including, for example, arranging conferences with barrister, conferences with client and solicitor relevant to the engagement of a barrister, selecting and collating documents, preparing brief for barrister, preparing observations and summary of facts for barrister, reviewing barrister's advice/s, updating barrister's brief as and when required and telephone attendances on barrister).
J2 $3,950
Attend each informal settlement conference. Attendance at each informal settlement conference (including, for example, all communications with you on the day, all communications with the defendant/s or their legal representative /s on the day, instructing barrister /s on the day if required, travel to and from informal settlement conference, any subsequent discussions required immediately post settlement and advice regarding settlement).
Statement of claim / amended statement of claim. All activities required to have a statement of claim or an amended statement of claim drafted (including, for example, drafting, reviewing and settling a statement of claim or an amended statement of claim or reviewing and/or settling /finalising a statement of claim or an amended statement of claim drafted by barrister, considering parties to be sued as defendants, considering pleadings and allegations to be made, considering particulars of negligence to be alleged, ascertaining correct names and details of defendants).

Statement of particulars. All activities required to have a statement of particulars prepared (including, for example, considering particulars and documents required to be provided under rule 15.12 of the UCPR, considering particulars and documents to be provided, perusing file as required, obtaining any further instructions to you if required, drafting a statement of particulars or reviewing, considering and settling /finalising a statement of particulars drafted by a barrister). Affidavit. All activities reasonably required to prepare an affidavit in relation to the file (including, for example, considering content of an affidavit, drafting, reviewing and finalising affidavit or reviewing and settling /finalising affidavit drafted by a barrister, considering and selecting documents to be annexed to affidavit, having an affidavit affirmed or sworn and witnessed). Preparation for mediation. All final pre-mediation preparatory activities (including, for example, finding, organising or agreeing on a mediator and/or mediation date and/or location, organising or reorganising file /s, checking required documents and materials, ascertaining required number of copies of relevant documents/materials, arranging any pre-mediation conferences with client and/or barrister/s, confirming meeting arrangements for and/or date and time of mediation with client and/or barrister, but not including drafting/preparation of actual documents or preparation of file overall or any other task directly falling within any other item of this schedule).

O2 $3,950
Claim particulars /further and better particulars. All activities required to provide a response to a request for particulars (including, for example, reviewing a request for particulars, considering appropriateness of a request for particulars, conference with you if required, telephone calls to you if required, perusing/reviewing file, collating all necessary information required to respond, drafting a response or reviewing and/or settling /finalising a response to a request for particulars drafted by a barrister).
Claim particulars /further and better particulars (pressed request). All activities required to provide a response to a pressed request for particulars (including, for example, reviewing a pressed / further request for particulars, considering appropriateness of a pressed /further request for particulars, considering applicable law, conference with you if required, perusing /reviewing file, collating all necessary information required to respond, other activities required to draft and/or settle/finalise a response to a pressed request for particulars).

$3,450 $3,950 $3,950 $3,950 $3,950 $4,350 Q2 Miscellaneous out of office attendance. Any out of office attendance not directly falling within any other item in this schedule. $4,350 $2 U2 V2 Y2 R2

R2 $4,450
MAS application or reply. All activities required to complete and lodge an application or reply to the Medical Assessment Service to resolve disputes (including for example, a dispute regarding permanent impairment or treatment including drafting and finalising submissions, conference with you if required, review of defendant or proposed defendant's MAS reply, review of the MAS determination, considering appropriateness of an application for review, appeal or further assessment if required).
S2 $4,450
MAS review application or reply or MAS further assessment or reply. All activities required to complete and lodge a MAS review application or reply or MAS further assessment application or reply (including, for example, obtaining any further evidence required, drafting submissions, reviewing and considering MAS assessment, and considering relevance of AMA Guidelines).
T2 $4,450
CARS application or reply. All activities required to complete and lodge an application or reply to the Claims Assessment Resolution Service (including, for example, application for general assessment or reply, exemption of file from CARS or reply, and application for special assessment or reply including whether a late claim can be made; satisfactory explanation for non-compliance with the police accident report requirement; rejection of a claim for non-compliance; payments made under Section 84A (duty of an insurer to make interim payments in case of hardship).

Investigator report. All activities required to engage and obtain report from an investigator (including, for example, detailed letter of instruction, preparation of brief to investigator, all further correspondence to investigator, discussions with investigator and client, perusal of investigator's report and statements and providing advice to you regarding suitability of report and statements). Due search and enquiry. All activities required to ensure due search and enquiry is completed if vehicle at fault is unknown (including, for example, arranging advertisements in national and local papers, organising letterbox drop and distribution of flyers, contacting witnesses and drafting and finalising submissions).

W2 $4,950
Chronology. All activities required to prepare a chronology (including, for example, perusal of all evidence in order to create numerous entries in chronology, drafting chronology and organising all entries into chronological order, considering content of chronology, conference with you if required).
X2 $4,950
Schedule of damages. All activities required to prepare and/or settle/finalise a schedule of damages (including, for example, perusing/reviewing entire file, considering evidence, analysis of all evidence, research of relevant case law and legislation, considering, calculating and/or checking amounts for the schedule of damages, drafting schedule of damages or reviewing and settling/finalising schedule of damages drafted by barrister, forwarding schedule of damages to defendant/s or proposed defendant/s).
Attend Section 89a conference. Attendance at Section 89a conference (including, for example, all communications with you during the Section 89a conference, travel to and from conference, negotiation and discussion with defendant/ proposed defendant and/or defendant/proposed defendant's solicitors, any subsequent discussions required post settlement, advice regarding settlement, drafting of all settlement related documents).

$4,450 $4,950 $5,450 Page 7 of 9. Z2 A3 B3 C3 E3 13 G3 H3 13 J3 L3 M3 N3 03 8 Submissions. All activities required to draft and/or settle/finalise any submissions, whether for informal settlement conference, mediation, hearing, interlocutory hearing or any other occasion (including, for example, perusal and review of entire file, analysis of all evidence, considering evidence, considering relevant law, drafting submissions or reviewing and settling /finalising submissions drafted by barrister). Site attendance /view. All activities required to organise and perform a site attendance/view (including, for example, ascertaining suitable dates, arranging site attendance/view, confirming arrangements, attending site /view, all communication with you and any other parties during site attendance /view, travel to and from site attendance /view). Motion hearing. Attending the court and motion hearing (including, for example, all communications with you on the day, all communications with the defendant/s or their legal representative /s on the day, instructing barrister /s on the day if required, travel to and from court). Preparation for CARS general assessment. All activities required in preparation for a CARS general assessment (including, for example, conference with you in preparation of assessment, telephone attendances with barrister and defendant or proposed defendant, drafting updated schedule of out of pocket expenses including telephone attendances upon all treating medical practitioners and correspondence requesting out of pocket information, preparation of all deductions, pre-assessment discussions with defendant or proposed defendant, pre-assessment discussions with you including advice regarding assessment of file, arranging interpreter if required, general review of file prior to assessment conference).

Medico-legal report. All activities required to obtain a medico-legal report (including, for example, considering appropriate medico-legal specialist to qualify, reviewing file and collating relevant supporting material to be forwarded to specialist, drafting letter of instruction to specialist, making appointment arrangements, confirming appointment arrangements, advice regarding appointment expectations, reviewing and analysing of medico-legal report, considering service of medico- legal report with provision of summary and advice and all other activity required to obtain a medico-legal report).
Occupational therapist's report. All activities required to obtain an occupational therapy report (including, for example, arrangement of home-based assessment, advising of assessment date, diarising, drafting letter of instruction to occupational therapist including all material relevant to domestic assistance including history of assistance provided, statements, past treatment, equipment requirements etc., review and analysis of occupational therapy report review with provision of summary and advice).

Vocational assessment report. All activities required to obtain a vocational assessment (including, for example, arrangement of assessment, advising of assessment date, diarising, drafting letter of instruction to vocational assessor including all material relevant to economic loss including work history, statements, resume, etc. review and analysis of vocational assessment report with provision of summary and advice). Expert report on liability. All activities required to obtain an expert report on liability (including, for example, considering appropriate expert to qualify, reviewing file and collating relevant supporting material to be forwarded to expert, drafting letter of instructions to expert, making conference arrangements, confirming arrangements, reviewing expert report, considering service of expert report, other activity required to obtain an expert report). Show cause hearing. Attending the court and show cause hearing (including, for example, all communications with you on the day, all communications with the defendant/s or their legal representative /s on the day, instructing barrister / s on the day if required, travel to and from court). Forensic accountant report. All activities required to obtain a forensic accountant report (including, for example, considering all economic loss information, discussions and correspondence with your accountant, considering appropriate forensic accountant to qualify, reviewing file and collating relevant supporting material to be forwarded to forensic accountant, drafting letter of instructions to forensic accountant, arranging conference, confirming conference arrangements, advice regarding conference expectations, attendance at conference if required, reviewing forensic accountant report, considering service of forensic accountant report and all other activity reasonably required to obtain a forensic accountant's report). Accident/incident reconstruction. All activities required to engage an expert in the reconstruction of accident/ incident (including, for example, preparation of brief, drafting letter of instruction, teleconference with expert, view of accident scene, review and analysis of accident reconstruction report with provision of summary and advice regarding report). Mediation. Attending mediation of the file (including, for example, all communications with you on the day, all communications with the defendant/s or their legal representative /s on the day, instructing barrister /s on the day, travel to and from mediation). Preparation for hearing (District Court of NSW). All final pre-hearing preparatory activities (including, for example, organising or reorganising file /s, checking required documents and materials, ascertaining required number of copies of relevant documents/materials, arranging any pre-hearing conferences with client and/or barrister /s, confirming meeting arrangements for and/or date and time of hearing with client and/or witnesses, but not including drafting / preparation of actual documents or preparation of file overall for hearing or any other task directly falling within any other item of this schedule). Senior barrister (pre-litigation). All activities required to engage and maintain engagement with a senior barrister (Queen's Counsel or Senior Counsel) prior to commencement of legal proceedings (including, for example, arranging conferences with senior barrister, conferences with client and solicitor relevant to the engagement of a senior barrister, selecting and collating documents, preparing brief for senior barrister, preparing observations and summary of facts for senior barrister, reviewing senior barrister's advice /s, updating senior barrister's brief as and when required and telephone attendances on senior barrister). Hearing (District Court of NSW). (Each subsequent day) Attending subsequent day/s of court hearing of the file (including, for example, all communications with you on the day, all communications with the defendant/s or their legal representative /s on the day, instructing barrister /s on the day, travel to and from court, but not including day one of the hearing). Evidentiary statement. All activities required to obtain an evidentiary statement from you (including, for example, conference, if required, reviewing evidence and instructions, considering appropriateness of evidence and all other activity required to obtain an evidentiary statement for claim /case preparation). (Only required for files in the Supreme Court of NSW). $5,450 $5,950 $5,950 $6,450 $6,450 $6,450 $6,450 $6,450 $6,750 $6,900 $6,900 $6,950 $7,450 $7,450 $7,450 $8,950 Page 8 of 9 الله P3 Q3 R3 $3 T3 U3 V3 Preparation for hearing (Supreme Court of NSW). All final pre-hearing preparatory activities (including, for example, organising or reorganising file /s, checking required documents and materials, ascertaining required number of copies. of relevant documents/materials, arranging any pre-hearing conferences with client and/or barrister /s, confirming meeting arrangements for and/or date and time of hearing with client and/or witnesses, but not including drafting / preparation of actual documents, preparation of file overall for hearing or any other task directly falling within any other item of this schedule). Hearing (District Court of NSW). (Day one) Attending first day of court hearing of the file (including, for example, all communications with you on the day, all communications with the defendant/s or their legal representative / s on the day, instructing barrister /s on the day, travel to and from court). Hearing (Supreme Court of NSW). (Each subsequent day) Attending subsequent day /s of court hearing of the file (including, for example, all communications with you on the day, all communications with the defendant/s or their legal representative /s on the day, instructing barrister /s on the day, travel to and from court, but not including day one of the hearing). Barrister (litigation). All activities required to engage and maintain engagement with a barrister in relation to and/ or subsequent to commencement of legal proceedings (including, for example, arranging conferences with barrister, conferences with client and solicitor relevant to the engagement of a barrister, selecting and collating documents, preparing brief for barrister, preparing observations and/or summary of facts for barrister, reviewing barrister's advice /s, updating barrister's brief as and when required, telephone attendances on barrister). CARS hearing. Attendance at CARS hearing (including, for example, all communications with you during the CARS hearing, travel to and from hearing venue, negotiation and discussion with defendant/proposed defendant and/or defendant/proposed defendant's solicitors, advice regarding hearing attendance, review of CARS decision and advice regarding appeal). Hearing (Supreme Court of NSW). (Day one) Attending first day of court hearing of the file (including, for example, all communications with you on the day, all communications with the defendant/s or their legal representative /s on the day, instructing barrister /s on the day, travel to and from court). Senior barrister (litigation). All activities required to engage and maintain engagement with a senior barrister (Queen's Counsel or Senior Counsel) in relation to and/or subsequent to commencement of legal proceedings (including, for example, arranging conferences with senior barrister, conferences with client and solicitor relevant to the engagement of a senior barrister, selecting and collating documents, preparing brief for senior barrister, preparing observations and/or summary of facts for senior barrister, reviewing senior barrister's advice /s, updating senior barrister's brief as and when required, telephone attendances on senior barrister). $8,950 $9,850 $12,450 $12,950 $13,500 $14,950 $16,950 Page 9 of 9 LawPartners PERSONAL INJURY LAWYERS No win, no fee and capped fee guarantee Car accident injury compensation claim Can I claim my legal costs from the insurer? A Yes, in most cases the Motor Accidents Compensation Act 1999 (the Act) requires the insurer to contribute to your legal costs and we'll recover the maximum possible contribution to your legal costs from the insurer for you. The CTP claims regulations restrict the amount of legal fees law firms can recover if there's no costs agreement. But if you enter into a costs agreement with US, these restrictions don't apply. Our fees are calculated under the terms of our costs agreement and there's likely to be a difference between your total legal costs and the insurer's contribution. This is referred to as a 'gap' payment. We GUARANTEE your gap payment of legal fees won't exceed 30% of your settlement amount. יסיייסו CAP CAPPED FEES מייימייים. What is the Law Partners 100% no win, no fee guarantee? A Our 100% no win, no fee guarantee means that, in non-litigated claims, you won't pay any fees whatsoever unless your claim is successful and you receive compensation. It's a risk free way to pursue your claim. If we don't win your case, we GUARANTEE you won't pay any legal fees whatsoever. LawPartner 100% NO WIN NO FEE GUARANTEE Sign here ALGA Signed on behalf of Law Partners. Date 1014 1 18